e n d s & o d d s

our PRIVACY policy
We don't collect your information, we don't sell your
information, we don't want your information. We've got bigger
things to worry about.

what is smalltime.com?
Just this little thing we whipped together to
keep you guys out of trouble. Isn't that nice of us?

is this site safe for kids?
We now have a filter that makes our site kid-friendly.
It can also make this site more naughty, if that's what you're into.

Questions? Comments? Offers of undying love? Send them here.

speaking of email,
Our number one source of sp*m is from emails shown on web
pages like this one here. Much worse than emails used for usenet or
for web site registrations. Due to our great annoyance, we've put up the
s u g a r p l u m automated sp*mbot poisoner. It creates pages of fake
email addresses. You can get the software yourself from freshmeat.

whatever happened to the.road.to.no.where?
Here's the story:
First there were some random pages.
Then there was the road to no where to tie them together.
Then there was smalltime industries because we liked the name
and roadtonowhere.com was taken and so was theroadtonowhere.com.
But smalltime industries was basically just a wrapper around that road.
After a while, it didn't make much sense to keep using both names since that
just sowed the seeds of confusion. Plus there are like a million roads on the web.
So, during our latest web site renewal and server migration, we finally ditched the old thing.
Everything is still pretty much here. Just moved around a bit. And it didn't hurt at all, now did it?

Filing for bankruptcy?
There's also this website for a very nice
San Francisco bankruptcy attorney should you be in need of that type of service.